Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 2 Insanity Max30 Tabata Power

Day 2 wasn't so bad the first 18:00 min I maxed at 18:20 then OHHH BOY... so we begin with straight arm jack... not bad even with my feet issue then we move onto scissor chest openers these feel really good no need for modifier yet... and ohhh just when you need it there are lateral lunge to me this was a "rest".  hahah  Downdog Spider also feels great nice stretch just needed at that moment too plus it gives my feet a moment to feel better.. REPEAT taking it up a notch he says "what do I have to do to create the power from within" yeah those are great words Shaun>> :)

Waterbreak at the 4 min mark..

Next session.. Burpee Lunge alt.. no need for modify loved this workout and then the Jog it out comes out of his mouth :D... repeat Burpee Lunge alternate... shake it out break (very quick) now its yep Plyo Lunge JUMP.. you gotta go down to go up.. <<Shaun T .... now remember we have two legs.. do the same Plyo Lunge jump on other leg..Still hanging on strong... 6 min mark.. now its the challenge of split lunge punch... OUCH>>> that one sucked... now REPEAT that split lunch punch WITH POWER << take a brief break... now its back lunge kick.. for some reason I have a problem with balancing better than what i was before Piyo but still need to work on this.. got to this point and removed my sneakers (foot pain setting in) doing the rest barefoot

Waterbreak at the 8 min mark

Duh duh duh duh.... Moving plyo pushup... yeah not happening... NOT YET.. had to follow Danielle in modified version  REPEAT..reach that max and its OK to reach it Push up Pop up  ( yep followed Modifier) yikes these pushups are CARAZYYYYYYY >>> childs pose... yessa... still with it Push up rows did mix of regular and modified. At this point he gets up to the camera and his fierce face just makes you go OHHHH shoot I got this... REPEAT... lots of noise happening both on the tv and in my house LOL Scream, Yell... do what you gotta do... >>> childs pose is the BEST hahaha..

Waterbreak at the 13 min mark...

My body is my equipment.. My body is my equipment.. fast power jump.. totally insane this workout I'm starting to gas out here LOL.... you just need to power up and push... tell your mind YOU can do it ...   Slow power jumps ... when you come down its almost like a break LOL... oh not really... next up are High Jumps... really love high jumps didnt bother my feet at all here ohhh squat knees this is the rest section... maxing out at

Waterbreak at 17 min...

now is where I start to lose it... Switch kick abs... OMG  feeling like my core is really weak .. lower back starting to hurt MAXED OUT here 18:20...  the rest is Csit hold ... REPEAT  ohhh next up are Scissor abs... ouch ouch ouch... this is why I don't have abs YET L holds are part of this section.. have you done a L hold... well let me tell ya.. go try it .... quick break at the right moment...

Waterbreak at 22 min mark..

this whole next section sucked toally had to follow Danielle and modify this section (Tricep Dip reach) single leg tricep dip... what goes thru this mans head???  my triceps are burning at this point... Speed tricip dips.. feet on the floor just when you think it will be easier.. ok this isnt sooo bad LOL.. Repeat..  now 4-count tricep dip

Waterbreak at the 26 mark... Split lunge punch AGAIN>.. fast fast faster... >>> push up rows... can I tell you I feel like I should be dead.. or dying soon LOL  back at switch kick abs... OHHH hate these...ohh wait its speed tricep dip again... here we go... ... the finale.. ONE MINUTE of POWER JUMPS... ONE MINUTE>> yeah I had to break a couple of times but I didn't GIVE Up... Ohh Shaun T you are scaring me :>>>>> but HEY I DID IT!

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