Breakfast – 2 eggs, ¾ cup cooked steel-cut oatmeal, 1 small apple or a cup of berries.
Snack – Shakeology Total Nutrition Shake
Lunch – 4-6 oz of Grilled chicken or salmon, 1- 2 cups of asparagus with 1 tsp of lemon olive oil
Snack – 1 cup of raw vegetables and 2 tbsps of hummus
Dinner – 4-6 oz grilled steak, chicken or fish, ½ of a sweet potato or ½ cup cooked lentils, 1 cup of your favorite vegetables, and 1 cup of fruit for dessert or a snack later.

If you can keep a schedule similar to this, 90% of the time with the slight variations in your food choices, you will be on the road to success.
If you struggle with portion control and/or developing a meal plan then take a look at the Portion Fix Program from Beachbody. This program gives you an amazing meal plan with color coded containers of different sizes by food group so you always know you are getting the right foods in the right amounts.


Many people think supplementation means simply drinking a protein shake. That is actually farthest from the truth.  You could drink protein shakes until you are blue in the face and it will not benefit your body if you aren’t providing your body with total nutrition and if your body has nutrient deficiencies. Guess what? We all have nutrient deficiencies at times.
The most important factor to keep in mind when choosing a total nutrition shake is that the nutrients are provided by whole natural foods. Many shakes claim this, but it often is not the case. The cleanest and most nutrient dense shake that is highly recommended is Shakeology, with more than 70 healthy ingredients in one glass. Shakeology also helps build and repair muscles, reduces hunger and cravings, helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, supports brain function and improves alert thinking, reduces anxiety, and promotes healthy skin, nails, and hair. The list of benefits goes on and on.


Choose an exercise program that you enjoy. The best part is you can make this happen at home and you do not need any big equipment, so there is no need to take an hour to drive to and from the gym,. Depending on what program you choose, you may only need you body weight, a resistance band or two, or  maybe a few dumbbells. Think about it! Get results with workouts that are only 25-40 minutes a day, you don’t have to drive anywhere, and use little to no equipment. Sounds like a dream come true, but it is actually reality. The best programs that fit into this category are Beachbody Programs. Check out the Challenge Packs that are offered for all fitness levels.
Make sure when you purchase your challenge pack that you enter the Beachbody Challenge, take before and after pictures, measurements, and weigh-ins because you can win daily, monthly, and quarterly CASH Prizes, plus have a chance win $100,000.  Oh, and you get a FREE T-Shirt when you finish the program, and a FREE Coach that can help you obtain your goals.


SMART Goals, are goals with a plan! Most of the time people just pick a goal, and then wonder why they failed.  Reason is…”A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish” – Larry Elder.  
You must sit down and write out a minimum of 3 goals using the SMART method and then make an action plan. SMART stands for S=Specific, M=Measurable, A=Attainable, R=Realistic, T=Time Accountable. If you are starting with a 21 day program or working on a program that you committed to for 90 days or more, you definitely can benefit from specific goals. Write down EXACTLY what you want to accomplish for the outcome goals (i.e. Outcome Goal = Lose 10 Pounds), and exactly what actions you have to take for the process goals (i.e. Process Goal = Exercise daily). To take it one step further you can make it into a contract with yourself as well.  Hang your written goals, process, and time destinations where you can read them every day as a reminder and motivator.


Winging it or going alone rarely works. Your best chance for success is when you follow a professionally designed, structured and proven workout and nutrition program, whether created by an experienced personal trainer and nutritionist or through a premium at-home program.
Support and accountability are keys to your success, and can come from different sources. Typical support comes from one or more of the following:
  • Nutrition buddy
  • Workout partner
  • Fat loss accountability buddies or group
  • Personal Fitness Coach
  • Personal Trainer
  • Nutritionist
Research has shown that having someone review what you are doing and staying in contact on a daily basis increases your chance of success. Another study found that when people are in an online accountability group or forum they were more likely to reach their goals in a shorter amount of time.  


You have what it takes to reach your goals. All of us will have struggles and failures, that’s just part of the journey.  The thing you need to keep in mind is that little setbacks and failures don’t mean you are not going to reach your goal,rather that you simply need to learn from that moment, evaluate what you have learned, and apply it to a new action so you won’t repeat what didn’t work. Exercise, like life, is about learning and growing.
Remember when you create and implement your own plan for Weight Loss Success to challenge yourself, and have fun. The results will come.